Saturday, January 31, 2009

God wants me to blog

Does that sound weird to you? It sure sounds weird to me. I wrote, in a previous post, that I felt that God had put this on my heart and since then I have really questioned that. Is God really leading me to put the struggles and triumphs of life and my walk with Him out there for others to read or am I just hopping on the blog band wagon? I honestly don't know if God thinks this is a wise use of my time, but here is what I do know:

  1. God wants me to share His love with others.
  2. At this point in my life, I can't just walk up to someone and say, "Let me tell you about Jesus...".
  3. I have been comforted and inspired while reading other blogs, specifically As We Are and The Ingram Gang.
  4. I am encouraged when I hear that other believers struggle with the same doubts and fears that I do.

And here is what I hope:

  1. Reading about my struggles might encourage someone in their own walk.
  2. Blogging will allow me to get to a place where I feel comfortable talking about my faith in person.
  3. God will be pleased with my 21st century way of spreading the good news of His love and grace.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I received my first comment to a post (Thanks for the warm welcome, Tamara) so now it hits home that people might actually be reading my blog. I guess that's the goal in blogging, but all of a sudden I'm worrying what people might think: she's boring, she's clueless, she rambles... Basically, it boils down to my lifelong fear of being judged. Why do I care so much what others think? What does it matter what people think about my house, my clothes, my weight, my blog... What's important is what's in my heart. I know this and yet I struggle with my irrational fear of judgment in some way or another almost every day. I guess what I really fear is judgment that leads to isolation and rejection. A couple of weeks ago, our pastor challenged us to fear God's disappointment more than man's disapproval. So I pray: God, give me the wisdom to fear what I should.

I love Jesus!!!

Why am I starting a blog when I said that a week ago I thought I had nothing to say? Well, a while back, I fell in love with Jesus and when you are passionate about someone you naturally want to talk about that someone. I don't feel like I have anyone in my life that wants to hear me go on about how head over heals I am for my savior so I have been praying that God would bring such people into my life. I am still waiting for the answer to this prayer, but in the meantime I feel like God put this on my heart because all of a sudden I have this intense desire to blog and I feel like I have a lot to say. The problem is going to be organizing all these thoughts. It may take me a while to get organized, so please forgive me if my posts seem very random.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Here goes...

A week ago, if you had asked me if I would like to start a blog, I would have said, "No way! I have no time and nothing to say." So what happened? I'm not exactly sure. I've never been interested in blogging or reading other people's blogs, but through Facebook, I stumbled onto a couple of blogs that really made me think. These two bloggers often write about their walks with God and I enjoy reading what they write, but they are both much more mature in their faith than I am. I am a relatively new believer and consider myself a "toddler" in my walk with God and as a toddler I stumble a lot and a little over two years ago I fell flat on my face and am just recently picking myself up and making progress again. Yesterday, I woke up and felt like God had put it on my heart to blog about my walk, stumbles and all. So I'm going to give it a try.