Friday, May 22, 2009

Bowing Down to the Bathroom Scale

I previously posted about reading in Jeremiah about idols and how today, idols take the form of addictions or obsessions. Well, for me Idol #1 is the number on the bathroom scale. I am absolutely obsessed with it. It is the first thing I look for upon waking and I let it determine what kind of day I'm going to have. I have a magic number and if I get on the scale and see this number then Woohoo!!!! It's a great day! If the number is within a pound or 2 of my goal then it's still a good day. If it's 3 -5 pounds above my goal then it's an anxious unsettled day and if the number creeps up more than 5 pounds beyond the magic number then it is a downright dark and ugly day. Isn't that let a number dictate what kind of day I'm going to have? On those dark and ugly days, I'm disgusted and frustrated with myself which makes it difficult for me to be pleasant and patient with the people around me. Other than that, I didn't feel like my little obsession was hurting anyone. I just had to keep that number in the "acceptable range". But after reading Jeremiah, I realize I am a slave to the bathroom scale and I feel like God is leading me to break free from that bondage. I'm not exactly sure how to do that. I've had this habit for the past 10 years. Do I go cold turkey and never set foot on a scale again? This doesn't seem wise. Is monitoring my weight on a weekly basis okay in God's eyes? I just don't know. I do know it is going to be a struggle and I pray God will help me. Tomorrow, I will post about Idol #2, the counter part to Idol #1.

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