Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sad Mommy

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Yesterday we officially started potty training Rebecca. So far it is not going well. I'm trying to forgo the Pull-ups unless we are going out in public and because we had so many accidents yesterday we don't have any clean training panties. So today, she's just wearing a little dress and nothing underneath. So this is our conversation:

Rebecca: Need diaper.

Me: Diapers are for babies. You're a big girl!

Rebecca: Noooooooo! Becca need diaper.

Me: Rebecca, you're a big girl. Big girls go on the potty.

Rebecca: Nooooo. Don't liiiiiiiike it potty.

Me: Sweetie, you're a big girl now.

This is what I am saying to Rebecca, but my mind (or is it my heart) is screaming...Nooo! She is a baby! She's my baby! She is NOT a big girl. That's just crazy talk!!!

I'm not ready for my baby to be a big girl, but as I learned with Abigail, life doesn't wait for the mommies to be ready.

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