Thursday, May 14, 2009


Sesame Street is on. I have my cup of coffee, but I don't have anything to post about today. I'm still studying in the book of Job. I started to just jump ahead to Psalms last night so that I would have something to post about today, but I think that would be defeating the purpose of this exercise. I tend to have an obsessive all or nothing mentality. This is one of the numerous things I'm working on with God's help. There may be something in the book of Job that God really wants me to know. If I skip ahead just so that I can have a new blog post, I'm cheating Him and myself. So I'm not sure when or even if I'll have something from Psalms, but I'm going to let Him lead the way. I would like to invite anyone reading this to share their favorite Psalm and maybe what it means to you. I don't have a favorite yet, but I've heard there is good stuff in there and I'm looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. I think that it is more important that you take your time and post when you have something then rush to just have something to post everyday. It will mean more to you, GOD and the people reading your posts!

    Also, I don't want you to get burned out.
